This is the back side of the top of a table runner under way. I had to take a picture. The seams bunted just right and everything went together without use of the seam ripper! And the finished size measured correctly according to the wonderful skill building book "Quilters Academy - Vol. 1" by Harriett & Carrie Hargrave. Love that book. I haven't posted the practice pieces, however, I am studiously working through the lessons in the book. The process has been rewarding.
On to the table runner. All I have so far is the top. I think it is turning off fairly well. This is a Christmas gift for a dear friends, who loves birds and gardening. I believe she will enjoy this.

The funny thing is I lost on of the 5" blocks just before I was ready to start sewing them together. It fell or blew right off the table when I turned my head away to take a sip of coffee.
Oh, look Cha Cha found it! Isn't she a brilliant cat?
This "incident" was approximately 5 minutes after she came out from hiding under the bed. Earlier this morning I ran to the store - wasn't gone long. Miss Cat must have figured I was finally gone for the day. She's less than thrilled with me taking time off from work. I cramp her day time activities. Back to the story - I guess she failed to hear the car drive up because she was playing in the dried beans soaking in the pan sitting in the kitchen sink. My "What are you doing?" sent her streaking down the hall to hide under the bed, where she stayed for quite some time. The little darling came out just to help me sew! Sweet kitty!

This picture is the Christmas table runner I have been working on. It is narrow to fit the table it is being made for. I had to stop because the border fabric I purchased is way too busy. I am thinking it is going to need a fairly solid muted green. Hmm, I am thinking with a different border fabric this may become a fall table topper rather than a Christmas table topper. Food for thought anyway.
My FRIENDS Swap goodies are close to ready to ship to Australia. Just a few loose ends to tie up. The swap has been loads of fun! I'm thinking I will probably do it again!
I have spend days blog hopping to the over 130 blogs participating in the Fall Into Fall Giveaway. I've greatly enjoyed the journey, have added a few new blogs to my regular reading list and put my name in the pot for some wonderful giveaways. If you haven't checked it out, I recommend you get busy. Just click the button on my sidebar to be "magically" directed to the fun.
Well, that's it for today. I have sewing to finish before I have to go back to work tomorrow. Not to mention my house could use a bit of cleaning. Until next time .... Happy Quilting!