Sunday, October 6, 2013

Crime Wave Hits Panama City

There has been a recent rash of "unexplained" thumps and bumps and oddly relocated (some from cabinet to floor!) items at my house. For the most these unusual happenings have been confined to my kitchen. Ms Cha Cha Cat and I have been at a complete loss to figure out what was taking place. Ms Cat has diligently assisted in my search for the criminal.

Looking back the Crime Wave started about the time I discovered the power of a STEAM to press zillions of intersecting seams of the Scrappy Triangles quilt I've been working on. Hmm.....

The other morning I ran to the store before work as we were out of cat treats - a devastating, unacceptable, horrid event at this house! The cat treats I purchased at Walmart the evening before were mysteriously not in the house. Our new Walmart, on the side of town I work on, was built with a stunning display of checkout stands ... with DISPLAY being the operative word - they open 3, 4 if we are lucky, during rush hour. This Walmart has also initiated a new spinning carousal game apparently designed to maximize the number of items the cashier can cram into a plastic bag, while drawing the customers attention away from monitoring the register price vs the posted store price.  I've won a few (taken home items someone else paid for) and lost (got home without items I paid for) enough to send me back to the more costly grocery stores for most purchases.

But back to the original story .... Ms Cha Cha Cat must have assumed I was gone for the day because I walked in to find this ...

prancing around on the kitchen counter!

No wonder Ms Cat was having such a difficult time helping me find the criminal!

Of course, the entire Crime Wave was all my fault. A measuring cup with traces of tap water sitting on a kitchen counter is  a MUST HAVE! Who would consider drinking fresh water out of a clean bowl on the floor when  the measuring cup calls?

The measuring cup was intended for filling the iron with water to get the magic steam not contributing to the delinquency of a cat!

Naughty cat! She knows she is not supposed to be on the kitchen cabinets.

The thumps and bumps have stopped (for now!) since I have removed the criminal measuring cup permanently from the counter.

Speaking of Scrappy Triangles - all 12 blocks, 8 of the 14 triangle borders and all 4 corner pieces are hanging on the design tablecloth..

I'm enjoying how this quilt is coming together. I love the interesting pattern the corners become.

There is lots remaining to finish. The sashing/outer border will be navy to tie everything together. I have the perfect fabric ... just not enough. The local quilt shop did not have the yard I need so I see an Internet search in my near future.

I am linking with Kim of Kim's Big Adventure for Scrap Basket Sunday.


Joanna said...

The adventures of Ms. Cha Cha continue. I think it's a relief knowing she's the culprit. Moxie has a small bowl of water on the coffee table because she won't drink water when it's on the floor.

Lesley said...

Continue to adore your blocks!

Julie in GA said...

I am loving your Scrappy Triangles quilt. It is a perfect example of how something extraordinary can be made from simple shapes. Fabulous!!