Sunday, May 13, 2012

Until Next Month

Here is a quick look before the top goes on to keep the block away from Ms Cha Cha's paws until next month. I got the 100 HSTs squared up. The process, though time consuming, went very well. My Quilter's Magic Wand has much improved  my HST seam lines. And, I'm thinking, perhaps my rotary cutting accuracy just might have improved also.

Mother's Day was quite a pleasant day. Mom and I went to Church. I had worked on squaring up the HSTs a couple of times before Church and finished afterwards before my Sunday afternoon nap. We had a lovely family dinner tonight.

Ms Cha Cha and I are going to wind down with a serious cat scratching sessions - she does so love being the center of my attention.


1 comment:

QuiltSue said...

They look gorgeous - so festive.