This morning I started
Carrie's Schnibble pattern Gentle Art. I wanted to put one spool of thread completely together to be sure I was following Carrie's well written instructions. I find things like a scant quarter seam and one thread's width over from a drawn line mind boggling. My mom taught me to sew at a very early age. We started with Barbie doll clothes and quickly progressed to clothes for me. Following a clothing pattern generally means one SEWS ON THE LINE! The accuracy of doing so greatly effects the outcome. My fingers "itch" to put the needle on the line when I am supposed to be one thread's width over. This is a fun experience - complicated (for me) but fun!
I set my machine on SLOW! Gosh! -, sewing machines did not have speeds back in the day. I love my slow speed for tackling new (to me) concepts. Six seams gave me time to ponder and the memories flooded in. Do you ever wonder why certain memories surface at odd or unrelated times? The memories seem to come from nowhere.
Junior High School (7th grade or what is called Middle School today) required 6 weeks of Home Economics. We were taught (practiced for a lot of us as our moms were the real teachers) to set pretty tables, coordinate colors, cook simple meals, proper etiquette and, my favorite, sew. The sewing project was an apron. We were to work some at home (or free period at school) and have the apron finished at the end of the semester. Somehow I, who had been sewing for years and made most of my clothes, missed the ongoing aspect of the project. I had an apron the second day. My teacher was a bit surprised and I think possibly a little "put out." We compromised. At the end of the semester I had a bright orange apron with a colorful, crowing, hand embroidered rooster. I so wish I had a picture to show you. Since I don't, here is my first spool of thread -

Home Economics always brings back Miss "D" my good friend. One class we were practicing straight stitching. Miss "D" had her machine at full throttle. Our very prim and proper teacher raised her voice slightly - "Miss "D" whatever are you doing?" Miss "D" looked up with a smile - "Testing the speed. This baby can go!" Think Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman when she says "Man, this baby must corner like it's on rails!"
Guess who excelled in Home Economics and who mastered our required 6 weeks of Shop? No laughing allowed. I passed Shop with a respectable B.