Friday, January 27, 2012

The MISSING!!! Pattern Instruction

The pattern instructions for continuous border strips says (in abbreviated form) - place 1 1/2" strips right side together at right angles, draw diagonal line and stitch on line. Do this 5 times. How difficult could that possibly be? Why would the process take 2 hours?

There was a vital instruction missing from this pattern. Let me tell you my story - I sit down at the table to place the first two strips together. My able assistant, Ms Cha Cha cat joins me. She promptly starts removing pins from the pincushion. I remove pincushion and continue. Ms Cha Cha finds the pencil intriguing. I remove cat from table - very politely, of course. Ms Cha Cha now perches on back of chair to my right. I start to draw the diagonal line. Flying cat lands on table. Pencil hits floor. I remove cat from table with a stern warning. Cat's ears flatten. Cat's tail switches. Cat glares at me from a chair across the room. I draw diagonal lines successfully.

On to sewing machine. Unfortunately, I am closer to Ms Cha Cha's chair. I ignore flattened ears, switching tail and evil glare. I get the first strip in place - needle down. Flying cat lands on sewing table. Strips fly. Some are on the floor - sure glad I mopped last night. One strip "waves in the wind" as Ms Cha Cha runs down the hall with her prize. Who knows where the pin is? I suppose I will find it the next time I walk down the hall with no shoes on.

After three attempts, which included two seams requiring a seam ripper, I realize there is a MISSING!! instruction in my Pick Four pattern book.


Jane said...

I have the same problem here, Hamlet was sitting on the quilt last week as I was quilting. He got a bit miffed when it moved and he slid onto the floor, but not enough to stop him trying again

Needled Mom said...

Ha!!! Cute.

QuiltSue said...

I love it. I must admit, my heart sank when I read the title of this post, but chuckled all through the post itself. Thank you for brightening up my morning.