Saturday, October 13, 2012

Out of Hiding

Not one stitch has been sewn at this house today. Our new neighbor is finally all moved in so Ms Cha Cha Cat has been able to come out of hiding.
I love my new food bowl!
I've missed you mouse!
Chubby Ms Cat attacks her mouse.
And, I'm off to my friends for some good food and great company. Ms Cat is on her own should the new neighbor decide to "get her!"

Thanks to Elizabeth for hosting the Christmas QAL today. I did not sew. I did keep up with those who did and greatly enjoyed the day.


How to "Terroize" a Cat

Today is the Christmas QAL! Elizabeth of Sand and Sunshine is our gracious hostess. Sue of Quilt Times designed the pattern. Head on over to check out the fun. My plans are to start cutting blue and white fabrics to make a Jacob's Ladder quilt for a special new baby boy. The fabric selection is the same as the curtains my sister stitched for him. I probably won't get much beyond the cutting today. My friend is cooking a fancy mid afternoon meal and I intend to enjoy the fun.

There has been little quilting or sewing at my house in a few weeks. My time has been spent working and planning new and unique ways to terrorize Ms Cha Cha Cat.

How to Terrorize a Cat!

1) I purchased new bed sheets - plain, beige, same kind I had. I put the new sheets on the bed. Ms Cat was afraid to even get under (her favorite spot in the house!) the bed for a solid week.

2) I moved things around in the bathroom. Ms Cat was horrified! She avoided the room for days.

3) This one I didn't do. A lamp, book and other assorted items were on the floor when I got home from work. Burglar? No - CAT! It seems the Gulf Power meter reader turned on the power for our new neighbor on the other side of the duplex. My guess is Ms Cat was sitting in the window when he arrived and had to make a hasty retreat.

4) I purchased Ms Cha Cha Cat a new food bowl ---- 
This cute little bowl has provided for a full week of TERROR! She hissed. She spit. She did the Halloween cat dance. She cried. She screamed. She tried a starvation diet which lasted almost 24 hours. She reached a trembling paw into the bowl to swoop the food onto the floor. She ran past the bowl at 100 plus miles per hour and proceeded down the hall with her cheeks stuffed like a squirrel to dump a mouth full of food on the bed. I objected and put the food back in the bowl. Last night the Cat admitted defeat. She is eating out of her new bowl. Actually seems to like the bowl!

5) The new neighbor is, at this moment, moving in. The good news is the sheets have been accepted. Ms Cat is safely hiding under the bed!

Perhaps I will wait until tomorrow to introduce her to the new water bowl! Ha! Ha!

Did you notice a theme to terrorizing Ms Cha Cha Cat? I strongly suspect she dislikes change or any kind! Poor kitty ..... but oh so funny!