Panama City, FL is rainy and gloomy today. We have had quite a bit of this unusual weather recently.
What is one to do? Lucky for me my sewing machine is perfect for such days. I worked on swap gifts. Those are surprises so no pictures. I just thought I would let Christin and Dara know I was thinking about them!
I'm making progress on the living room curtains. The curtains are not hemmed and need "fiddling" across the top. I'm loving the look and the fabric - Bread & Butter by Kaye England.
The picture is a bit dark .... no sun!
Ms Cha Cha Cat is unimpressed with curtain sewing. The large pieces of fabric are not fun to chase. I rarely left the machine - no jumping up to press or cut fabric - making "cat theft!" difficult. To add insult to injury Ms Cha Cha Cat was unceremoniously removed from the sewing table three times.
Did you know curtain rods are sneaky, dangerous, cat chasing contraptions! Amazing - round objects roll and metal on wood is loud - add a cat paw and things happen! Fast! Frightened cat hit the floor seconds before the rod. Ms Cha Cha Cat spent an hour under the bed after the encounter, which is, trust me, how I got the curtains this far along.
Move forward about 5 hours and ......
here is Ms Cha Cha Cat giving her version of the curtain rod story. She is really, really, really pissed! I wish you could hear her. According to her, my laughter is insulting! Poor kitty! I told her she has the same paws to get happy in.