Pinwheels Spinning in the Wind! |
Weekend are wonderful! I left work Friday exhausted and stressed. I went immediately to bed - planned to hide out there all weekend. I have an insane desire to "fix things." I brood - replaying and replaying issues in my head looking for something - anything - I can do to "fix" whatever is not right. Normally makes for a gloomy day.
Saturday rolled around - big deal. Oh, no I am supposed go sew with my new found friends today. My head says I'll skip, no I'll suck it up and go, etc. etc. I was such lousy company the cat spit at me. So I got dressed, packed up my sewing things - this is where it got funny ... Ms Cha Cha, the naughty cat who spit at me, apparently thought I was leaving town (not her favorite thing for me to do). She freaked becoming an adorable nuisance - talking to me, rubbing my legs, patting me and she even went so far as to attempt to unpack my sewing bag. She was hiding under the bed when I left.
The day was wonderful! Last month was my first invite. I went without a project to sort of get a feel for the group. This Saturday I took more "stuff" than I needed but I went and had an absolutely wonderful time. We sewed, admired each others projects and laughed and laughed and laughed. My gloomy day was washed away!
Cha Cha was super surprised when I got home! She has been a perfect angel cat all day today. My baby kitty cat loves me! She has been with me for almost a year. I got her last Valentine's Day. Of course, it was sometime around May of last year before I saw much of her. She hid under the bed for roughly three months. We are good enough pals she feels free to spit at me these days.
So today, I kept up the positive, good mood. I ironed, measured, cut, pieced, ironed and not one single time did I think about "fixing" anything except lunch! The result was 19 very colorful pinwheels for a baby quilt. Granted I somehow miscalculated - only need 16 of the pinwheels - so, what? Next week I will make some more and have two baby quilts - one for my soon to arrive grand nephew and one going to Queensland, Australia.
What a beautiful weekend this has been! Hope yours was wonderful, also. Happy Quilting to all!
So Sew Cheerful! |